As a result of attending my grandma's funeral, I saw some of the "old friends" from my home congregation where I grew up. I saw only one JW at the funeral, but others sent email/text as to why they couldn't attend (spiritual activities). This sister who attended, is considered spiritually weak (her comments are read directly from the watchtower, puts in a couple hours a month, has an unbeleiving mate but both are happy, never pioneers, doesn't show up for FS because the CO is in town ect...), but she made the effort to come by and be with my family during our time of mourning.
With the brief encounter I had with some of the other JW's, they were all wondering if I'd come back to the Khall to help and 'build' up the congregation. They said they were so happy to see me visit and want me to serve as an MS again.
Each time they communicate with me, they're always asking if I still love my job, why did you choose a job that entails travelling ect...the whole guilt trip I guess? Their is one family that stands out as being unduly critical of me...they only email me to find out if I go to CA/DA...she sent me a message yesturday stating how her 3 day convention was the best ever and how did I enjoy mine...I told them that I had a death in the family and haven't heard back from them since....this family has their radar up to try and call me out...since I chose a job that requires me to be away, they've minimized communication with me, except to find out about CA/DA and the name of my CO ect...
I really don't give a care in the just shows how hypocritical some of the JW's are and just want to look good in the eyes of the elders and the borg.
Sorry for venting.
Kool Jo